Free migration to Office 365

Gratis migrering til Office 365

Optimize your security, accessibility, backup and employee efficiency by migrating to Office 365 – and at no extra cost.

Today most companies pay a lot of money for the operation and maintenance of file shares.
Blue Dock migrates your personal and shared fileshares without you having to pay for anything here and now. Our program ensures easy and painless data migration so you can keep working while we smoothly migrates your data.

Based on your current costs for operation and maintenance, we split the cost for migrating over a period of 12 to 24 months. Thereby, you do not have to pay more than you do today and after 12 to 24 months your operating costs will be reduced to the minimal cost associated with the Office 365 license.

Contact us today and let us calculate your savings for migrating to Office 365

Click here to read more about easy migration to Office 365

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    +45 8853 9800