HedeDanmark with new Outdoor Facility Management System


The new system enables HedeDanmark to effectively quality ensure its services and adhere to contracts, as well as easily document their work.

The close collaboration between Blue Dock and two other suppliers has resulted in HedeDanmark’s new Outdoor Facility Management System that streamlines their quality assurance.

The system contains many features, all of which gives efficiency value. Through contracts, HedeDanmark is required to document the work using images and reporting. They are able to do it all in their new system where customers and suppliers also have access.

Blue Dock has delivered the so-called backbone part; that is, the basic service-oriented architecture – a database structure in Microsoft Azure. In addition, Blue Dock has provided an integration with the card issuer Giscloud. This allows all events and episodes to be tracked on one card. Blue Dock has thus delivered the entire interface.

Furthermore, customers can follow the entire process, giving insight to the customer and great transparency.

The other two suppliers have provided customer management, customer access, clear presentation of data, and the mobile app.

The Outdoor Facility Management System is based on SharePoint 2013. Everything inside SharePoint uses a REST-service to handle and update data in a clear and standardised way.

Who is HedeDanmark?

HedeDanmark ensures that nature is well taken care of accross the country and abroad. They care for and maintain natural values as a benefit for everyone.