Today, IMS’ employees can access the intranet, regardless of location, language or device and receive news as well as gain access to projects and documents.
I en stor organisation som IMS er det dialog, projektsamarbejde uhyre vigtigt – og derfor skal de have det rette værktøj. Dokumenter og kommunikation skal samles i projekter. Og alt det kan tilgås i netop dette system.
Dialog and project cooperation is extremely important in a large company as IMS and they need the right tools for that. Documents and communication have to be gathered in projects. All this can be achieved in particular this solution.
IMS was already running the full Office 365, where Blue Dock has delivered SharePoint Online to this particular intranet.
Who is IMS?
International Media Support is a non-profit organization working to strengthen local media, democracy and creating a dialog in countries with conflicts.